
Recent Striving to be the Best

When Communicating Your Value, Less is More

Have you ever asked someone what they do for work, and they give you their resume history? Clearly, they are not clear on how to articulate their value. A professional value proposition, or elevator pitch as some call it, is something you want to create throughout your career journey. Why? Because it communicates your strengths, […]Read More >

How to Have Innovation in Your Career

With change being a constant in our business communities, I have found my coaching practice is in constant creation mode along with most of my clients. Companies are looking for ways to grow innovation in their leaders and talent. Innovation is a component of a good career strategy and builds resilience in these challenging and […]Read More >

What is Your LOVE Frequency?

Since we are in the month of love, what a perfect time to really be intentional in giving ourselves permission to have some fun and do something out of the ordinary with ourselves and those we love. Experiment, try something different, love yourself and those you are with more deeply. Operating from an emotional place […]Read More >

How Adversity in the Job Search Helps You Grow

Adversity is defined as difficulties or misfortune; like all challenges, they are opportunities for us to expand the way we think about them and how to navigate them. They create resistance, and if you think of a river that comes up against rock (resistance), it flows over it, through it and around it. The opportunity […]Read More >

How Are You Communicating Your Value?

I am amazed at career clients that don’t take advantage of showing their value in their communications as they craft their next career move. This is key in showing others how you can bring value to their organization and builds their confidence in you as the ideal candidate. I had a client named Pat who […]Read More >