The end of the year is such a great time to pause, reflect and allow the magic of the season to shift us into a slower, more heart-centered space. I am posting 31 days of gratitude on all my social media platforms, and it has been a good reminder to allow my heart to stay […]Read More >
As we approach the holiday season, I want to remind us all, including myself, that the power of heartfelt gratitude, love, and compassion can change how we feel individually in the moment as well as have a positive impact universally. I recently received an email from the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) with this reminder that […]Read More >
October 19, 2022
October is upon us, as well as being the fourth quarter of the year. 2022 has gone so fast, and I have learned much this year when it comes to resting, to slowing down, and to living from the space that everything is in sacred motion. Building the muscle to trust that statement has been […]Read More >
August 9, 2022
As I navigate and support my adult daughter with health issues, I am confronted with this belief of believing I AM ENOUGH. A recent conversation with my daughter has brought up a lot of doubt for her around having to “keep up” in our culture: landing a good job, dating a great guy, living in […]Read More >
Recently I discussed key areas around being a more effective collaborator with others. Now we’ll focus on how to embody the qualities of collaboration so that no matter what is going on in our world, work, or personal lives, we are better collaborators with reality. I have been practicing embodying these qualities, and it is […]Read More >
I have noticed an increasing number of clients trying to figure out how to navigate ambiguity while being a good partner to their clients and an effective leader for their teams. When it comes to collaborating, we typically think about others being involved, and while that is one aspect of collaboration, I want to talk […]Read More >
Stress includes any invasive influence on our well-being. It can be a combination of all of these areas: Nutritional Environmental Physical Emotional Psychological Brené Brown’s research has found that the language we use to describe how we are feeling defines how we experience that emotion. In her book, Atlas of the Heart, she defines emotions […]Read More >
“How we respond to our fear is who we become.” Will Smith I am listening to Will Smith’s new book, Will, and I find him quite engaging through his sharing of life truths, and how he has navigated the challenges of his own career and life. I found the above quote very profound when it […]Read More >
February 16, 2022
With the month of February focused on giving and receiving love, I want to talk about how we may implement this in a practical approach on an everyday basis. How often are you really living from your heart in a calm, centered place inside yourself? How do you access this place in your heart when […]Read More >
Balance – what does that mean to you in your life? Your work? I have had the opportunity to have lived a life that has challenged me daily on creating balance in my work and home life. I have found that balance allows for opposites, both loud and quiet, movement and stillness, dark and light. […]Read More >