
Recent Meaning

What is the Opportunity of this Virus?

I want to take a moment to provoke your thinking about the Coronavirus, and how the state of your inner world impacts our outer world. As someone that has had lots of hardship in my life and recovered coming back clearer and stronger, I am a firm believer that everything serves our growth. I take […]Read More >

Components of a Good Career Strategy

All my career clients start out with a career vision – what they desire to be achieving by the end of our engagement together. Even if they don’t know what that is called or looks like, it is getting clear on the feeling of where we want to end up at the end of our […]Read More >

How to Start Reinventing Your Career

According to a Gallup poll released in 2017, only 15% of the world’s one billion full-time workers are engaged at work. In the U.S. only 30% are engaged, which leaves 70% of Americans not engaged. Where do you fall in this mix? With so much change in our economy, many are reevaluating and reinventing their […]Read More >

The Way Forward is to Offer it Up

A way forward to navigate challenges and obsessive thinking is to give it up to the Divine, Source, GOD, intuition – whatever you call your higher power. Stop obsessing about it, and offer it up to that which is bigger than you. Turn it over and let the magical forces guide you and reveal what […]Read More >

Authentic Love Fuels the Way Forward to Flow

As I talked about in my newsletter this month, Authentic LOVE is our fuel for moving us forward to staying in a state of being that is FLOW. Over this quarter, I have outlined my FLOW methodology for how to stay in a state of FLOW as a way of being in your life. As […]Read More >

What is Your LOVE Frequency?

Since we are in the month of love, what a perfect time to really be intentional in giving ourselves permission to have some fun and do something out of the ordinary with ourselves and those we love. Experiment, try something different, love yourself and those you are with more deeply. Operating from an emotional place […]Read More >

Give the Gift of Healthy Boundaries

Brene Brown says through her research that the most compassionate people are the ones who hold the most boundaries. Boundaries are the way to let others and yourself know what is okay with you and what is not okay. They create clarity, transparency and respect of yourself and others. They support you in being loving, […]Read More >

Simple Tips That Help Shape Your Happiness

I have found in my own life that I am the decisive element to experiencing more happiness in my life. I wasn’t always happy; there was a time I didn’t even know what made me happy. I was dealing with lots of life circumstances, including divorce, loss, and overwhelm, and it was a time I […]Read More >