As we come to the close of another challenging year, I find myself asking the question, “What has changed in me?” I like to reflect and take time to put attention on how I am different than the year before. What I found is that the word I picked for the beginning of 2021 that […]Read More >
As we all navigate so much change ahead, it will be critical to break down the silos in our own mind to stop the stories of the past that can sometimes sabotage us. We need to be able to listen to our body and what it is trying to tell us in order to be […]Read More >
How does one move from their career to their calling? I have always been attracted to understanding what makes us tick, what world lies beyond this world, how we integrate these into our daily personal and professional lives, in addition to how we live and work from a more integrated and congruent place to who […]Read More >
To deconstruct is defined as exposing hidden internal assumptions, contradictions and subverting its apparent significance or unity. If you hadn’t noticed, that is what we are all going through right now – individually and collectively – on a global scale and in every industry and family. How are you surviving and even thriving during this […]Read More >
The best way to co-create a career that you don’t desire to escape from is making sure the elements of the career are aligned closely to your values, strengths and areas you want to grow. There are some key components when it comes to curating a career that is inescapable. 1 – Get clear on […]Read More >
What a year it has been! So much opportunity to examine our lives, beliefs and where we are unconscious with how we live. With the death of George Floyd amidst the pandemic, we are seriously being asked to take some time to educate ourselves, listen to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, and use our time […]Read More >
As I sit at my computer on a beautiful Sunday morning in Golden, CO, I observe in me a question: “How am I making the most of my time in isolation?” For one small moment here on planet Earth, the entire world is being asked to stop, take stock, and listen to what is emerging […]Read More >
I heard Reid Hoffman on his podcast, Masters of Scale, state how today’s career navigation is no longer an escalator where you step on it and your managers help promote you up the career ladder inside the organization. Now it is a jungle gym – meaning you have to strategize and connect with key stakeholders […]Read More >
Have you ever tried to compliment someone, and they just play it down? I have done this a lot in my past. I’d say, “Oh, it’s not a big deal,” or play it down in some way verses just saying, “Thank you.” God forbid I would admit how good I felt about it! In this […]Read More >
I have come to the conclusion that I am the decisive element in how I experience the moments of my life. As I sit here at the beginning of 2020 with all that is transforming in our world, I am filled with immense gratitude for the luxuries of my life, food, water, shelter, safety and […]Read More >