F.L.O.W. into 2019
This year will be a big emphasis on FLOW technology and practices to support you in creating less resistance and more downstream ease and effortlessness in all you are creating for 2019. The practice of FLOW is important in order to be able to address the changes coming in 2020. I have a good friend who is an Astrologer that clued me in on what we may see happening in 2020, and the importance of taking 2019 as the year to set a strong internal infrastructure, to train our minds to focus on positive direction and concentration and to learn to manage our own energy.
In my FLOW method, I talk about F standing for frequency. This relates to our energy frequency. We can have a high frequency, which gives us energy, ideas, feelings of joy and stability, or we can have low energy, which feels like pushing a rock uphill.
The goal is to get your energy moving so it feels consistently like you are moving downstream in ease and effortlessness. You may be wondering how to do that when you are angry, frustrated or don’t see a way out of a situation. I created the F.L.O.W. Method to support you in creating the habit when you are in a lower frequency to take steps to manage your energy to a frequency that supports your desires and goals.
F.L.O.W. Methodology:
F – Ask yourself, “What is my frequency?” (You can tell by how you feel). Do you feel light or heavy, are situations and/or people in your life hard to deal with or easy? Low frequencies relate to heavier feelings and an effort of paddling upstream. Higher frequencies feel easy and effortless; they are almost neutral.
L – Is LOVE your operating system? Are you being and doing from a mindset of LOVE? Are you open and inclusive with yourself and others? To you feel loving to yourself?
O – What are your OPTIONS to shift your frequency to one that supports you in creating your goals?
W – WHAT will you commit to put your attention on NOW? What action is important for you to take NOW?
I will be discussing each of these points in my blogs, newsletters and social media as we move through the first quarter of 2019 and into the second quarter to give you hands-on examples and practical tools that can help you begin to shift the patterns that don’t support your growth and development of being in a state of ease.
Here is an example:
I had a client that was very concerned about getting a job. She was working 2 part time jobs, and she had not received any responses to the applications she submitted. She had emailed the hiring managers and tried to make headway in the companies she had applied to, but to no avail. By the time she hired me as her coach, she was frustrated, worried and desperate.
The first thing we did was put a structure around her search, which kept her focused on where to put her attention. Her negative thinking continued to plague her as she needed more income and kept worrying about finding full time employment that paid her well.
The next session we started working with her negative thinking. I had her write down all of her negative thoughts on the left side of the paper, and on the right side, I had her record her positive thoughts. As she reviewed both sides of the paper, she found one thought that was the root of all her negative thinking. She crafted a positive thought in its place and started repeating that thought like a mantra anytime she was thinking negative thoughts about anything.
She begin to experience feeling less stress and more energy by putting her attention on the positive thought. She continued to work her job search plan and receive coaching each week. What evolved was that she no longer was saying, “I need to find a job;” she began to believe her positive thought she had been repeating. She was networking more and beginning to build relationships with people that were supporting her and helping her grow her connections. She did this for quite awhile; one day she met someone that introduced her to a hiring manager at a consulting firm she had hoped to get into. The result: she landed the job.
Part of creating the desires we want is doing the tasks, but the bigger and harder part is changing our internal thinking. Our thoughts create what is in front of us and science is now validating this. When we think positive thoughts consistently and live in the feeling that we are creating that in reality, it changes the neural networks in the frontal lobe of the brain. Practicing this thought process consistently allows those neural networks to shift the entire nervous system and create a new pattern in the frontal lobe of the brain. When that happens, it begins to manifest outside of us.

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The key components of F.L.O.W are consistency, a daily practice of changing our thinking towards what we desire, and fantasizing and feeling what it will feel like when you have it. All thinking creates chemicals that secret in our body, and when we are thinking good, positive thoughts we create more serotonin, which is the happy drug for our system.
Start small and experience how you feel and what gets revealed.
More to come . . .