As we move into a new cycle of 2018, I invite you to think about where you will put your attention this year. Personal Growth is being open to looking at yourself (both the good and the bad) and to listening to the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable. Self-Help is being willing to […]Read More >
This was the year that I was being nudged to stretch even more into my potential. It started with a yoga retreat in Tulum, Mexico in February where the instructor asked to speak to our soul and what it wanted us to do. It was clear the message I received was to write a book […]Read More >
This month we are going to focus on looking at the tolerations that consume you, and how to begin to move them into acceptance or get rid of them. A toleration is something that is put up with or endured; it is a burden that consumes time, money, and mental space, which takes your energy. […]Read More >
I was out hiking this weekend and am already starting to notice the change in the leaves here in Colorado. The air is a little cooler, the days are getting shorter and the wind is whispering a change in the seasons is upon us. While we can visibly see the change occurring outside of us, […]Read More >
Habits either keep you stuck or move you forward—and anytime you go through a change, you are called to assess the habits that serve you and the habits that don’t. This can apply to any aspect of your work or life. This week I invite you to play with the idea of creating healthy habits… […]Read More >
Change is a sign you are growing. For the next few weeks, I will be posting a short podcast series on Change and the various elements of change that include Habits we are being asked to shift Accountability to our growth Nimbleness to stay in the flow Our ability to generate results An opportunity to […]Read More >