Where Are You Putting Your Attention?
Colorado is slowly starting to warm up, and it feels so good. I am excited about my summer plans – I booked a fun adventure in August, and the rest of the summer is open! I love living with no plans because then I can do whatever I feel in the moment. It creates such great spontaneity, unexpected moments and lots of stillness, which I love.
Looking for a career change, desiring to enhance your communication skills, wanting to learn to listen to your intuition, as well as strengthening your ability to lead? I am creating a short, free webinar addressing the above items that is based on my book, Be Happy Now, that will be available on my website and LinkedIn profile. Discover tips and tools for putting your attention on what you desire verses all the distraction of the mind.
Another creative project I am developing is the online course for Be Happy Now – How to Create the Life you Desire Implementing Practices, Tools, and Exercises that Make Creating Fun and Relaxing. It is an opportunity to learn some new practices, rewire how you think about your life, and teach how you can be an active participant in creating it. Much of my current focus is on what I want to create next in my life and the feelings associated with these new endeavors. We may all benefit from tools (at least I need tools 😊) that support us in taking our attention off the negative and being deliberate in putting our attention on the positive. Writing about them helped me not only to integrate them but also to practice them even more.
Follow me on LinkedIn to stay tuned when the webinar is available: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiebsmith/
This morning I read an interesting question posed in a little book by Siri Daya Mata, Soul Guidance for Life’s Decisions: How often during your day do you focus your attention on the seat between the eyebrows? This area is called the Anja center in yoga associated with the 6th chakra; it is called “the only begotten son” in Christian scripture and is in all disciplines the seat of Christ Consciousness/intuition. The passage I was reading suggested in the midst of the busyness of your day to take small moments and to let the mind rest at this center. Through this process, you will be opening your consciousness and intuition to guide you in all you do. You will feel the joyous, loving presence of the Divine in this space. This is such a simple act and becomes automatic when done over time. I love the simplicity of this practice and will start incorporating it into my daily routine.
I will leave you with this question to ponder and act on in the joyous summer months ahead:
What will you be putting your attention on in the months ahead to support positive growth for yourself and others?
I want to announce that I will be offering 1:1 sessions for anyone interested in coaching with me, along with my retainer packages. I am restructuring my business to offer more affordable coaching terms, an online course, and free webinar to learn new tools and practices to people that feel the pull to work with me. If you are interested, feel free to set up a 1:1 Discovery Session, and we can see how best to serve your needs.