Be Well Newsletter – December 2016
How to Focus on the Good in a Crazy World
With all the negative banter, gossip and nonconstructive verbiage going on, not only in the media, but also possibly in your life, and most of all in your head, I thought this would be a topic of interest.
Negative banter creates stress and doesn’t set you up for a great life. How can we begin to create a positive experience regardless of how much negativity we are bombarded with through our relationships, media and our own mind? There is actual science that shows how your thinking creates what happens in your life. Bruce Lipton, PhD, has found that the brain is mold-able and neoplastic, meaning the brain has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This gives us tremendous hope in being able to focus on the good instead of the craziness in the world. We actually have the ability to shift our experience from one of negative to positive.
In the movie The Abundance Factor, which studies Happiness Science, it states that long term levels of happiness are affected by how your human brain processes everything in your life; money, relationships, work, challenges, etc., and that daily positive habits and rituals will rewire the brain to support you in creating the results you desire. What you complain about actually drives these unconscious intentions to create even more of them. Think about this – every time you complain, you are putting an intention out there to create more of it!!! Brain science has shown that when the brain focuses on the positive, everything you experience becomes more positive. What we put our attention on grows. READ MORE
Live Well,
Katie B.
Katie B. Smith