Happy Holidays! 2016
The holidays are the perfect time to start a practice of adding play into your life. This time of year is so playful if you allow yourself permission. Instead of getting caught up in your to-do list and stressed out about buying gifts being a chore, make a different choice.
I know for myself when I look at the holidays as a chore, it is directed from my mind instead of my heart. Sometimes with so much to get done it can be hard to shift our behavior and attitude.
What helps me shift is holiday music, baking, singing, connecting with family, friends, even just watching carpool karaoke on Facebook gives myself permission to lean into and experience the amazing spirit of the season. It is only then that I move from my head into my body and heart and allow my playful spirit to emerge.
Stuart Brown, a pioneer in research on play, says adding play in your day makes us smarter.
The definition of play is to occupy oneself with amusement. What amuses you, uplifts you or makes your heart sing with joy? Your ability to play is a conscious choice that allows you to welcome in pleasure and joy and gratitude which keeps your heart open. Play creates an altered state of consciousness that allows us to be open to creating new possibilities.
Even if you are alone for the holidays your choice to do something that is fun can shift your experience as well as the chemistry of the brain, helping you feel more positive and creative with a feeling of fulfillment.
I invite you this holiday to acknowledge the magic of this sacred time of year by reveling in PLAY, whatever that means to you. Play is a vital part of living well. Set an intention now, to start 2017 off with a playful spirit and you might just be surprised at how quickly solutions show up that you need and how effortless it feels.

Do something that makes you laugh, acknowledge your lightness and share it with those around you. Give yourself permission to relax, open and surrender into this magical time of year so you can share your amazing light with all those around you all year long.
Allow your spirit to shine and light up the world!
Wishing you an Amazing 2017!