The Powerful Effect of Silence on Clarity and Insight
The Powerful Effect of Silence
on Clarity and Insight
Body – How to Sit in Silence
Take a moment to sit in silence with your eyes closed and feel yourself start to slow down. Listen and observe with no judgment. How does your body feel? Where do you notice stress or tension? Notice your breath with no judgment. Now take three deep breaths – How does it change the way your body feels when you breathe deep? What do you notice?
Take in your internal thoughts and external environment but have one point of focus to keep your mind attached to – a word, a mantra, an image – something that serves as your touchstone to keep bringing your mind back to that still point amidst the background noise of your mind and surroundings. What you will discover is an even deeper silence that appears. It is here where insight lives, clarity shows up and deep relaxation occurs.
Can you hear that still, small voice inside you? Can you tap into your inner space and feel the presence of silence? What does it feel like? It may feel uncomfortable at first this is normal. Keep practicing – the more still your mind becomes – the more still your body becomes, which leads to the more present you begin to be to what your heart is telling or not telling you. Imagine a pond when it is stormy; there is much movement in and on the water. When it is still, it can reflect everything. This is how silence serves us. It shows us that by practicing stillness, the silence reflects the truth in our heart.
just a moment and rest your body and mind.
Yogi Bhjan has said that if you don’t go within, you go without. I believe this is true. Without a respite from our busyness and our doing, we cannot gain the deep insight and rest we need to move forward in all the areas of our life. It is the resting in ourselves that supports us in being more productive, more present and more accepting of ourselves and each other.
Rest, rejuvenate and renew yourself in these quiet moments and allow yourself to let go of any expectations or goals to see what presents itself to you. Give yourself the gift of silence this month and notice how it makes you feel and how it makes you think. Give yourself permission to stop and acknowledge how the power of silence renews and impacts you.

Katie B. Smith
Come explore various forms of meditation – silent, breath, chanting, and exercises called meditation facilitators – that open the heart and mind and allow you to reach that still point within the center of your being. The form of meditation that will be taught is from the Kundalini Yoga tradition as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Katie offer two classes at the following locations:
Golden, CO
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00AM: 1 hour at the Golden Vital Yoga Studios located at 1224 Washington St., Golden, CO 80401.
Highlands (Denver), CO Location: Kundalini Yoga Meditation class
Tuesday Evenings 6:30 – 7:30PM: at the Kundalini Yoga Center of Denver located at 3401 West 29th Avenue, Denver, CO 80211.
All Kundalini Yoga Denver classes are by Donation Only –
the recommended donation is $11.