Be Well Newsletter – September 2016
Career Mindset – 3 Steps for Owning Your Thoughts
Happy Fall Everyone!
It has been awhile since I have written as it has been a busy summer. With a new season approaching, my intention is to write regular bits of wisdom every month as I am allowing more time in my schedule for writing.
I want to first acknowledge that I have been chosen by Career Toolkit as one of the top 25 career coaches online – YEAH!!! You can view that link here:
I am also in the process of writing my first book and will keep you posted on the progress of this next phase of my business and my own growth as a Coach.
I want to write today about Career Mindset . . . what mindset does it take to create your next career move, position, and creation? With so many people reevaluating their lives, where they have been, and where they want to go it is important to put attention on our thoughts, and the thoughts we are buying into.
This practice can apply not only to your career but also to your life. We have the opportunity to create something we desire every day. But how many of you are approaching your day that way? How often do you get up and be intentional in what you are desiring for the day?

Here are 3 simple steps to help allow your mind to be a slave to you instead of you being a slave to your mind.
#1 – Settle Into Yourself – First thing in the morning, take some deep breaths with your eyes closed and settle into yourself.
Ask yourself – What do I want to experience today?
#2 – Set the Intention – I suggest thinking of 10 items in your day ahead and out loud set the intention of what you want to experience with each of those items. You can also write them down for visual reinforcement.
Example: Thank you for me connecting with contacts at my target companies with joy and ease as I move through setting up my networking meetings today. Then let those intentions go. Take another deep breath to close your practice and detach from your intentions.
#3 – Evaluate Your Intentions Experience – Take note at the end of the day what you experienced with each intention.
Take a moment to express gratitude for each intention, and what you experienced with each one. You can do this practice with a job search, with your current work, with your kids and relationships.
Being mindful of how you want to experience yourself and your day will shift how you bring yourself to it.
I would love to hear about your experience with setting intentions. Please feel free to email me the results or any other topic you would like me to write about in the coming months.
B Well –