Be Well Newsletter – November 2016
3 Simple Steps to Waking Up
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
It seems to me a lot of people are no longer willing to do the same job or have the same life, and they are having immense changes happen as a result, be it health issues, deaths, getting laid off, etc. They are having situations show up that have them asking the question, “What do I really want in my life and in my work?”
I saw the movie SNOWDEN the other night, and this message was throughout the movie. It showed the illusion so many of us live in, and we don’t even know it or choose not to look at it. Take a serious look at and question how you are spending your time here and what purpose you have.
I feel the quote above by Howard Thurman sums it up: in order to really serve in the capacity of making our world a better place, we first have to ask ourselves what do we need? What will help us be more engaged and alive with ourselves? Getting clear on our values and strengths are the key. Then we need to look at what we are doing and see if it aligns with these values and strengths. If it is not in alignment, what would get us to that place? Allowing this question is the first step in listening to our deeper self, following that guidance and automatically providing what the world needs.
3 Steps for Waking Up
- Getting clear on your values and strengths
- Measuring if what you are currently doing aligns with these criteria
- Identifying the possibilities that get you excited
- Having exploratory conversations with individuals in those areas
Observe what shifts in you and around you.
By putting attention on what gives us energy, we create forward movement towards creating more of it.
May the month ahead offer you time to reflect on the areas of your life where you feel numb, bored, or tired, which will wake you up to what will help you come alive.
Take five minutes during your day to identify a value or strength you have, and ask yourself if that is in alignment with your job and life.
If it is in alignment, how may you continue to enhance that value/strength?
If it is not in alignment, what do you need to implement to make a change?
Live Well,
Katie B.

TAKE ACTION NOW towards building the career and life that is calling you.