Expand the Quality of Your Days by Being Patient
“Impatience is a result of a loss of your natural rhythm at a biological level.” Richard Rudd
I have been reading The Gene Keys and am fascinated with this book! This book discusses the information about our genes and how collectively, we are in the process of rewiring and learning more about our actual DNA and gene codes.
One of the messages in The Gene Keys talks about impatience. I am finding more people are tired of being extremely busy, and the impact that has on not being able to be really present with ourselves and each other.
Richard talks about how impatience is one of the greatest diseases on the planet because it undermines our health.
When impatience arises, it is a sign you have fallen out of your natural state of trust. This made so much sense to me. I spent a lot of my life being impatient, and it is only in the last 5 years that I have started slowing down, moving with more presence, and not being solely focused on the speed of which I get things done.
Richard talks about impatience being rooted in the mind, and the remedy is to escape the mind because this is where the realm of time lives. If we can enter into the spirit of what is happening when faced with disasters and challenges, we will realize that nothing is really out of balance, and that all will reveal itself in time. This is a very deep level of trust in oneself and the universe.
He also had a quote which I loved: “When you come to terms with your personal fears, humanity comes to terms with its collective fears.”
Everything is connected to everything else; when you are going through something difficult, all of life is moving through a difficult period. We are all experiencing a universal shift.
If your breathing is calm, rhythmic and deep, then time appears to dissolve. I have experienced this when sitting in a silent meditation, as well as in times when I am in rapture with an activity.
Impatience arises out of fear and conditioning, which, for me, leads to controlling behavior. Richard says patience has always been the true gauge and measure of the greatness of a person’s soul.
As we begin the summer season, may we all slow down a bit and learn to lean into the uncomfortableness of not knowing and trusting that all is well. Knowing that even challenges are a part of the process to the goal we may be moving towards, and understanding that everything is connected. Like all habits, it takes practice learning to lean back into being and allowing, reminding ourselves that all is well.
Take time to enjoy the warm weather, friends, and family and practice just being.
Check out my Be Whole Journey to begin the habits that support you in embodying patience and presence.